June 4, 2009

I hate titles

I decided last night that I suck at drawing, and so I'm learning how to draw from the beginning. That means lots of shamelessly bad drawings for the next few months.

I ran over to an old friend's house today so he could help me install Photoshop CS4 since Painter's too rebellious. It didn't activate properly, but he ended up showing me this painting tutorial by Andrew Jones. It was just so... inspirational. Every piece of his work is like an spiritual journey of some kind.

4 giggles:

Katherine Lim said...

heheheh PC user. macs don't die :D they just stab you in the back when you're not looking DX

i suck at drawing too!!! i foung out a long time ago and have been living in denial O_O.. we should start a club!... >_>

Lucy Guo said...

My lappy never dies on me. :( I've just found out that PainterXI has sooo many bugs and lotsa people went back to PainterIX/X. And YES CLUB.

Mary Meng said...

PC + photoshop FTWWwwwwwwwwwwww =D

Lucy Guo said...

Painter's brush controls are far more superior compared to PS.
Painter = painting
PHOTOshop = photo editing